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The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.

George Bernard Shaw

To reach a goal you have never before attained, you must do things you have never before done.
Richard G. Scott

Workshop on Creativity

Enriching Life with Better Ideas


Goal of this worksop is to gain a positive access to our own creativity and the creativity of the people around you. You will learn methods and techniques that will allow you to tap into your creative resources at your own will.


The good news is: You do not have to learn creativity. Everybody is creative. The trick is only to gain a faster access to the creativity that you posess. You surely know people who believe of themselves that they are not creative - or at least that they could be more creative. Creativity lies not within our genes. You can train it! This will assist you to find or to create solutions in difficult situations.
Here you can discover a space and atmosphere that allows you to try out new things or to try out new ways of doing old things.

You will
  • be able to use various techniques of creativity
  • be able to create a stimulating environment that allows you to be crative
  • find ways to use creativity to solve problems as well as to create new ideas for your business
  • learn how to deal with "creativity-killers"
  • find how creativity has a place in your everyday life